Get an exclusive bonus alien faction when you reserve Last Light today!

To receive this offer, simply place a $1 deposit and you will be locked in for our exclusive VIP bonus alien faction "The Experiment. "

The launch day price for a deluxe copy of Last Light starts at just $115 (plus shipping) and comes with tons of exclusive content. Back at the All-In level for the best deal and save up to 23% off of MSRP.

Why are we asking for a $1 reservation? It helps us more accurately forecast demand before we launch. This means less risk for us and more savings for you!

100% Refund Guarantee

If you cancel your reservation, we guarantee you a full refund at any time before the project moves into production.

Transparency Guarantee

We will be transparent about the progress of our project throughout the entire campaign.

Secure Payment

All orders are processed through our secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.